Image Credit: Samantha Blackett

  • Home Affairs - Review of Regional Migration Settings

    Supporting Strong and Sustainable Regions Discussion Paper

    The governments 2023 Migration Strategy outlined their intentions to 'evaluate regional migration settings and the Working Holiday Maker program to ensure migration supports development objectives in regional Australia and does not contribute to the exploitation of migrant workers'. The discussion paper is out now.

    For more information visit: Review of Regional Migration Settings Discussion Paper

  • Subclass 489

    Have you recently been granted a Subclass 489 visa?

    Find out more about the Subclass 489

  • Federal Government

    A Migration Strategy for Australia

    Australia now has a strategy for its migration system.

    The Government’s Migration Strategy was released on 11 December 2023 and outlines a new vision for Australia’s migration system, with a policy roadmap containing 8 key actions and over 25 new policy commitments and areas for future reform. The Migration Strategy builds on the findings of the first comprehensive review of the migration system in a generation, the 2023 Review of the Migration System (the Parkinson Review), and also the Rapid Review into the Exploitation of Australia’s Visa System (the Nixon Review).

    More information on the Government’s Migration Strategy can be found here: Migration Strategy (

  • Labour Market Testing

    Removal of the Labour Market Testing (LMT) Requirement to Advertise on the Workforce Australia Website.

    ​On 11 December 2023, Migration (LIN 18/036: Period, manner and evidence of labour market testing) Instrument 2018 has been​ updated to remove the requirement for employers to advertise on the Workforce Australia website. This change will apply to subclass 482 and 494 nomination applications and will allow employers greater flexibility in relation to how they undertake LMT.

    For more information, visit: Labour market testing.

  • TSMIT Increase

    Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold Increase

    From 1 July 2023, the TSMIT increased from $53,900 to $70,000. New nomination applications from​ this date will need to meet the new TSMIT of $70,000 or the annual market salary rate, whichever is higher.

    For more information visit: Home Affairs - News and Media