Hosted by Business NSW Riverina Murray
Join us and Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors (ABLA) to learn more about the significant changes to our workplace and industrial relations laws with the passing of the Closing the Loopholes Bills.
If you'd like to know what these changes mean for your business and receive access to invaluable take-home resources, we invite you to attend our Workplace Updates Seminars on Tuesday 30th April in Albury and Wagga, and Wednesday 1st May in Griffith. Light refreshments will be provided.
Albury: Tuesday 30th April from 10am - 12:30pm at Business NSW Regional Business Centre
Wagga Wagga: Tuesday 30th April from 3pm - 5:30pm at the Riverina Conservatorium of Music
Griffith: Wednesday 1st May from 12pm - 2:30pm at the Griffith Leagues Club
Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors, award-winning workplace relations specialists, will cover:
the introduction of the new right to disconnect
engaging casual workers and the new rules about who can be a casual and new obligations to covert casual employees to permanent employment
the new definition of who is an ‘employee’ (as opposed to a contractor) and the new ability for independent contractors to dispute unfair contract terms in the Fair Work Commission
changes to union right of entry rules and the granting of new right to workplace delegates
the new ‘same job same pay’ labour hire regulation
small business redundancy exemption changes
significant changes to the Fair Work Act's compliance and enforcement framework, including the introduction of a new criminal offence for 'wage and superannuation theft'
new standards for road transport and gig workers
enterprise bargaining changes
and more.
This workshop has been funded by the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations through the Productivity, Education and Training Fund grant program.
Register now to secure your place at this must-attend event.